Saturday, March 21, 2009

Yes, I finally succumbed to the temptation of the blogging world, which is to ramble on for a while & call my rambling a blog post.
Yes, this blog post will be as just about as useful as a new release of Microsoft Windows, as deep as a Paulo Coelho novel, and as intelligent as... oh nevermind.

I think I hated school because I hated the feeling that I need to 'prepare', that I can't just face the challenge & be done with it without an agonizing period of preparation, plus the ridiculous and stressful idea that this challenge (& hence the preparation period) can ruin my life in some way or another.
I know of course that people shouldn't merely study for the exam... but that is just talk, the way our education is set up.

Back to the point, or its apparent lack-of...

Ok, so it's not apparent!