Sunday, December 16, 2007

On Holy Places

I believe it to be a place that God has taken to be His dwelling,

Of course God is everywhere.
But a Holy place is a place God has chosen to fill with his Work.
It is protected by His work, if you choose to accept it.
So accept it... & take off your shoes.
Lay down all defences.

You will not be hurt.
Here, you are safe.

You can cry about anything.

You will not be scorned.
Here, It's alright.

I also happen to believe,
that anywhere people bring their pain to lay down at God's feet, God makes Holy.


  1. I have been listening to an amazing series of sermons( on the life of Abraham...
    The life of Abraham has a main theme wich is separation , lonliness and hardships .
    Abraham had to go through these before he could fully experience the presence and blessings of God...
    It's true that whenever there's pain there's God ..
    Pain is only a stage that we must pass through in order for God to make mighty heroes and giants of faith out of us like Abraham

    "Suffering , pain , sorrow , humiliation, feelings of loneliness , are nothing but the kiss of Jesus , a sign that you have come so close that He can kiss you" Mother Teresa

  2. Really don't want to contradict you, Rostom. But I can't understand & won't accept that suffering, pain & loneliness are God's blessing or sign of love... they are products of a fallen world, a fallen world God wants to set right in His love & justice. I understand that Mother Teresa was being encouraging, but still... these things are not a kiss of Jesus, they're nothing but a plague from where I stand.
