As a child you are born into a world to which you are a stranger.
Then little by little, you get used to some of the things in it... Your parents, your house, your friends, your country, your religion and others belonging to it... etc.
You relate to those things & begin identifying yourself as being a part of them.
then at some point, this might start slipping away.
You may begin to feel that things are changing, or it may be that you are changing and with you your perception of these things.
Which of them is true is not relevant, indeed anything may be true for all you care. In all cases you & those things start drifting apart.
For instance, you might begin to realise you don't really belong to this country. And although you may still inhabit it, it may seem to have been taken over by people quite different from yourself, and they've changed it so much it's no longer safe to you & your kind.
At this point consider yourself blessed, you still have your kind (whatever that is) to relate to.
Then after a while you may come to another realisation, you don't belong to this system of belief.
It is no longer safe to trust it nor to trust their teachings on it. No longer safe to trust them.
And you may or may not notice how "them" starts with a few people, then the list keeps growing until "them" becomes a generic word that includes almost everyone. Almost... except a precious few.
At this point do not consider yourself cursed yet, you still have those precious few (whoever they are) to relate to.
But who knows how far will this illness drag you away...
Who knows what else or who else will you become estranged to.
Maybe even your own thoughts would start to sound strange & unfimiliar, no longer resounding in your mind.
Maybe it will keep happening until there is nothing left for it to happen to.
And then you might just look around and find that no matter where you are, you are a complete stranger.