Wednesday, May 28, 2008

On Relativism: 3- Doublethink

“My son, the Giant who had one head was stronger than the Giant who had two. When you grow up there will come to you other magicians who will say, ‘Γνωθε δεαυτον. Examine your soul, wretched kid. Cultivate a sense of the differentiations possible in a single psychology. Have nineteen religions suitable to different moods.’ My son, these will be wicked magicians; they will want to turn you into a two-headed Giant.” The Magician in "The Disadvantage of Having Two Heads" – G. K. Chesterton

Doublethink was introduced in George Orwell's political novel "1984", it is defined as the act of simultaneously accepting two mutually contradictory beliefs.

This form of doublethink was a very conscious act, it was used by common people & ruling party members alike, & its mechanism was driven by fear more than anything else. It was a means of survival in a totalitarian world, but also a means of maintaining that totalitarian world.

When I consider what it is that I am having trouble accepting in our ambiguous modern mentality, I find it is something remarkably like 1984's doublethink, except that maybe it was driven by different reasons.
Let me explain...

Those who strongly believe in something fight for it, that is essentially true.
And the result of which was fanatics of all sorts filling the world with wars.

What people began to suggest after ages of difference (& because of ages of difference) is that since apparently nothing seems Real to everyone, then maybe everyone's beliefs are Illusions.
So no reason to fight about it, really. It might all turn out to be wrong!
Notice that this isn't saying it is wrong, but that it may be, & this is suggested as a reason to not get too excited about it!

As a proposed solution to religious strife, that is very much like castration as a proposed solution to adultery!
To stop crimes of passion, let's kill passion!
To avoid burning others or getting burned, let's stop making fire!
The result has to be a long and terrible winter.
So people died out inside, at least towards what they believed.

Naturally, this was welcome by Atheists (especially agnostic atheists), but there were also many Theists who wanted to embrace the all-accepting nature of that pseudo-solution to religious strife, and they did.
This resulted in a generation of religious people that advocated belief in a "private" religion.
Obviously, once a religion becomes private you have no reason to publicly profess it, let alone enforce it.

But not only that, once a religion becomes private, it no longer really is a religion at all. For a religion is a belief regarding the universe, it is about the universe, not only about a person. This was elaborated on in the latest entry in this series.

But this "private" religion of a "private" universe -as far as I understand- is backed up & promoted for by Buddhism. Which was getting fashionable at the time when this relativism began to be popular.
In any case many thinkers had no real problem accepting it. It was even considered in style! It became the new "modern thinking".

But I'd like to draw your attention now to the fact that this thinking is actually doublethinking.

To believe in an admitted illusion is doublethink.

To believe in a System of Belief & yet not care if it is false is not Believing at all, it is doublethink.

To believe in a Universal Philosophy & yet believe it to be Non-Universal is doublethink.

Just like doublethink of "1984", our doublethink is done for purely practical purposes, namely neutralizing fanaticism-caused violence.

Also just like doublethink of "1984" had a special sort of language (Newspeak) invented to facilitate its manipulation of reality, our doublethink has its special sort of language as well; as C. S. Lewis put it in the first of the Screwtape Letters as the speech of a wizened old demon to a young unexperienced one:

"Your man has been accustomed, ever since he was a boy, to have a dozen incompatible philosophies dancing about together inside his head. He doesn't think of doctrines as primarily "true" of "false", but as "academic" or "practical", "outworn" or "contemporary", "conventional" or "ruthless". Jargon, not argument, is your best ally in keeping him from the Church. Don't waste time trying to make him think that materialism is true! Make him think it is strong, or stark, or courageous—that it is the philosophy of the future. That's the sort of thing he cares about."

And just like doublethink of "1984", our doublethink was made possible by promoting that Reality (with a capital R) is either non-existent or unimportant.

Or in a more subtle way, by suggesting that Reality is whatever you make it to be, reducing it to your reality. A practical reality!

And right here, Truth becomes excess baggage.

& I think we need Truth... don't we?


  1. hello again
    first ya peter , i guess i need to know how you define , some terms, to be able to discuss :

    what do you mean by "the Truth" ? " Real " and "reality" ? "religion"? "believe " , "believer" ?

    Does every thing have to have a "one truth" ? at which level difference will be accepted to u ?

  2. Hi Fady,
    Ok, to define:

    We have a universe we live in.

    Reality is what that universe IS. It exists & it is one thing and not another. It IS the state of things as they actually exist. Not merely as what they seem. To admit the presence of Reality is to admit that things actually have a certain nature & form, and not completely subject to perception, but in all cases ARE something definite & specific.

    Belief is a single fact that describes or explains something specific in that Reality.

    Religion is a philosophy or a System of Belief that attempts to describe & explain that Reality.

    A Believer is a person who adopts a certain System of Belief (Religion) as his own.

    Truth is a certain Religion (System of Belief) that correctly describes & explains Reality as it is & not as it seems.

    everything that exists has to have one Truth, yes. Even us as Humans, we are one thing & not another, what we are is something specific. When we talk about ourselves, there's one Truth to all that talk.

    I'm not denying that we have many subjective views. But all those views are about One Truth. One objective view exists about that One Truth.

    All levels of difference are acceptable to me, unless they are in the same head! If we're talking about the same head, then any two Beliefs held by that head must be fully compatible. Nothing about one of those Beliefs should contradict anything in the other Belief. Beliefs that are incompatible should not stay in the same head. One has to go.

    For example, one cannot hold that Christianity as professed by Christians is True, & Islam as professed by Muslims is True as well. The two beliefs are incompatible & the idea that both are True is irrational by definition, & ridiculous because amazingly it exists!

    One cannot be a Materialist & yet consult Tarot cards, the practice is illogical in that Philosophy.

    One cannot hold the Belief that God is All-Loving & yet fear the Wrath & Revenge of God, the two concepts are contradictory.

    tamam keda?

  3. Have u seen that group of people who don't know what to call themselves? did u get close enough to them to see and feel how they think and live and feel? how they wanted to have an idol, one they could create, build and hate called doubt, how they spend their days and nights serving their idol thinking its the road to superiority, but they always fall and break into pieces every time they witness the greatest gift this earth can present and account its existence for, a man with real faith? they cannot change, they do not change, no, they change, they lay drapes over the all mirrors and cry out, no, scream out with tears "what faith? what lies?"
    they are the smokers outside the hospital doors, the dead outside their tombs, the living without living, those who cannot believe that they are right.

  4. But what if they are right? wouldn't that be a terrible loss? They can gain nothing, just like they can lose nothing. And it's not fair. It cannot survive, either. It's steelbars kept in place by glue. It falls down every time they fall asleep & dream.

    To have flown & fallen is a tragedy, but to have never flown is a waste. And it is quite possible to fly forever, even if u graze the mud every once in a while.
