I want to complain,
I want to complain, not only of myself, or merely of my people. But of nearly all people! For these days they are mostly forgetting to add the word "all" before the word "people".
These are my thoughts & feelings (strong feelings, actually!) on the subject of relativism.
Now, relativism is the faceless daughter of the sweeping popularity of Individualism,
Individualism as a mental school fought very hard to cut the ties people had to their ancestors & their peers. In short it tried very hard to sever all ties between all people.
In stressing that each man should choose for himself, it refused the idea of Common Sense.
In stressing that each person was free to choose whatever he wants to think (which is a noble cause, I am sure), that Men should think for themselves (Ah! if only that could come true), it also refused the use of the word "should"... which is effectively cutting its own throat!
As G. K. Chesterton put it (please don't hate me for quoting him again!) "Individualism kills individuality, precisely because individualism has to be an 'ism' quite as much as Communism or Calvinism.".
Meaning that for Individualism to become a mental institution, people had to belong to it. & when people did belong to it, they no longer thought for themselves anymore. Instead they were once again united under a thought-out idea, and this time it happened to revolve around the self.
"So far from really remaining a separate self, the man became part of a communal mass of selfishness." (conclusion of Chesterton's statement from which above quote was taken)
Which has been proven historically to be an inevitable outcome.
Men will always gather around a flag. To try to tell them to never gather around a flag is useless. The question then arises as to what flag Men should gather around.
Now concerning "should"s, if course there has to be a "should"!
Individualism (with the help of relativism) has led us to believe that we humans are all so different, and that it is quite natural (& healthy) for us to adopt completely different & mostly opposite views on every major & minor subject. It has stressed that this is perfectly OK.
Of course nobody would object to the observations upon which this idea is based, but I will strongly object to closing our eyes to the other plain observations, which show that we are all still humans!
Individualism values Logic above all else, & so implies a common set of rules for evaluating situations & standards. So at least Logic should be common.
But in addition to Logic, we all have the same needs, desires & weaknesses, don't we?
We all are pursuing pretty much the same things & we all are pretty much failing to get them! Now doesn't that mean anything at all?
How have we been led to believe that we are so terribly different?
The ancient thinkers noticed first how Nature was full of goups of things that are very similar. All horses belong to Horse, all men belong to Man. They argued to which extent that made them similar (and maybe even connected). Hiraclites, Plato & others devoted great attention to the problem of universals. They understood that to decide what we mean by Man is to decide whether we can know anything about Man.
It's drawing the line between the objective & the subjective.
It's drawing the border around Truth.
And I think we need Truth... Don't we?
ReplyDeleteya peter please allow me to start my comment with a smile and i tell you why:
1- because of the first line you wrote in your article ...lol
2-because your article is a clear example of individualism as no one else then you ,peter,will think in this exact way,or will express him self in this exact words
now ya Peter why are you taking things as being very "digital" i.e 1's and 0's , back or wight ? i.e. there is always a gray space.
individualism doesn't deny the existence of similarities common grounds,
but it respect the right of each human to be himself and not just a clone of others
"Should" is rejected not because individualism reject the "common "
but , for me at least, it reject the "obligation" i.e. It reject the fact that one thing is nonnegotiable and you don't have the freedom to select it or not, this is the " should " that i personally reject.
Be Blessed my dear UNIQUE Peter ;)
ReplyDeleteI loved this entry,
and I agree with you that this Relativism haywadina fe dahya somehow if we don't deal with it consiously...
I was shocked lately that some people think that even "Truth" is relative!
which means that "Truth" is not absolute anymore... and my Truth could be different than yours and they are still both correct... ya nhar eswed!!!!!
I agree with every single word you wrote... and I'm glad there are still people thinking this way and didn't lose their anchor points yet in the middle of the storm...
Chapeau chapeau chapeau...
you might be interested in reading this:
seems that I wrote it after having a similar discussion!
but I took it from a spiritual point of view...
your post anlaysed it differently but perfectly!!
Thanks again!
ReplyDeleteyou are confusing (or you think I am) between individuality & individualism.
Individuality is a gem, it is what made this article unique & possible, & simply put, it is the miracle of Creation.
Individualism on the other hand, is a philosophy. Its definition is linked to in the article above.
Individualism has many good points, much like how Socialism had many good points yet produced Communism & the USSR. Because it also has some wrong points. From those points a monster can emerge.
Some of those points are:
1- Individualism is opposed to tradition, religion, or any other form of external moral standard being used to limit an individual's choice of actions.
2- Individualism has some significantly strong ties with Anarchism, Egoism, & of course Relativism.
3- Individualists argue that individuals are not duty-bound to any socially-imposed morality and that individuals should be free to choose to be selfish (or to choose any other lifestyle) if they so desire. (Notice how there is never any mention of right & wrong... to Individualism, they don't exist. Only desire does).
4- Individualists claim that Common Sense is a logical fallacy. We may differ here on the definition of Common Sense, but they won't accept it under any definition, simply because it implies a common standard for all people, which is something they don't approve of.
You know me quite well, my friend. & know that I do not think of anything as non-negotiable. I hate dictatorships just as much as you do, & if you remember, sometimes more than you do :)
Thank you, I'm glad someone thinks so, too. I know they're decreasing each day.
by the way, Christa, really pleased to meet you :)
ReplyDeleteYeah they are decreasing drastically!!
ReplyDeleteI’m shocked that lots of people are now losing their Faith and every absolute Truth they used to believe in under the umbrella of Relativism and Individualism…
Very pleased to meet you too, people with such genuine faith and thoughts are quite rare these days, when I find them I consider that I found a treasure! Thanks again and keep posting these thoughts… you never know who needs to know they still exist!
The equation balancing between reason and faith is really hard to realize, I’m glad you did…
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!