He found her, that was not his problem, & he tried to touch her & take her in his arms, for that isn't his problem either, or it would've been for the father in the Lost Son Parable, the father just took the kid in his arms although he was dirty, and anyway God does take us in with our dirt & sin, & what cleans us is NOT our repentance, really. It starts the process, but what cleans us is God's flesh & blood, that is after he accepts us. So God's problem couldn't have been that he was too disgusted by our state or too angry at it, as we sometimes portray him. Then where is the problem?
back to the movie, the problem is that she wouldn't let him hold her, because she couldn't recognise him, she didn't know him & refused to try, refused to believe that anything good can happen to her in this state of death she's in, she held on to her death, we can say, because she had no hope.
She closed her eyes & slammed her ears shut & refused to believe he's there.
So what did he decide to do? he decided to die with her! maybe then, when he's so down & dirty & empty & humiliated like her, she'd recognise him, feel his pain & believe he is there & that he loves her.
& that is what God did, we all know the story of Incarnation & Salvation how he came to us, was born in the lowest place & died in the most painful, most humiliating way. Maybe then we'd Believe He is there, & He loves us & wants us unconditionally.
This does have a more solid foundation than a mere allegory in a movie, you see we believe that God can do anything, but will not do one thing, & that is to override Man's free will, & this is the point, for God would not force us to believe anything, for Belief is a product of Free Will, we choose what to believe, if we choose to believe we are doomed & cursed & live -or rather, die- based on that belief, then He can't force us to choose life.
God found that the only thing keeping Man dead is his Belief that there is no hope, because if Man was in God's shoes he wouldn't have accepted himself, because he deeply despised himself. So he'd choose to torment himself (exactly like a man who kills himself) as he believes he deserves. But that is because Man has Fallen & become wicked. But God is not, He is wonderful & loving, & He wanted Man to live though Man wanted to die, & that is what motivates Him in everything.

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