Thursday, July 29, 2010

Well, here it is...

I've been wanting to tell you this...
Well, but
I am not sure why, or for what,
I have kept at holding my tongue.

It will be ungrateful of me,
I know,
-not that you would think or say so-
but forgive me, for I am young.

The thing is -it's just how it feels,
You have disappeared from my sight
and all at once, everything stung!

Now, I've been told you're surely close,
but I
have such a loud and noisy sigh
that it has muted out your voice.

They say it's true, I should know that,
and say
that my outlook is all so gray,
and that in that I have a choice.

So, talk myself into seeing
your face?
Or should I call upon your grace,
to give me reason to rejoice?

The same as when I've started, I...
Mixed up with the crowd's dull clamor,
I whisper this: "Say something, please"

It's now your move, -sorry- your turn
to speak.
Complete a rhyme (that's rather weak)
with more than rustling in the trees.